April 24, 2004


Doctoral Degree (2004 - Now):
* Part I:
1. Production of transgenic rice overexpressing AOS-LOX fusion gene (T0, T1, T2)

2. Genetic Analysis of transgenic rice
- Analysis of DNA (by PCR and/or Southern), RNA (by Northern), Protein (Western)
- Selection of homozygous lines of transgenic rice

3. Biochemical Analysis of transgenic rice
- Lipid analysis
- JA analysis
- Dihydro JA analysis

4. Stress response of overexpressed transgenic rice
- Ion leakage experiments in cold, salt stress
- Wound and HR (local, systemic) response
- Blast fungi resistance

5. Metabolomics of overexpressed transgenic rice
- Lipid peroxidation experiments
- Product analysis by HPLC, GC, GC-MS
- Metabolic changes by wound and other stresses

* Part II:
1. Characterization of Fusion Genes (AOS-LOX, AOS-AOC and AOC-AOS)

Master Degree (2000 - 2002):

1. Production of transgenic rice overexpressing allene oxide synthase gene

2. Kinetic properties of V311M mutant Bacillus subtilis protoporphyrinogene oxidase
- Protein expression
- Protein purification
- Enzyme kinetics

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